Sonic Data Workshop


Thursday 16 – Friday 17 February 2023, 10am – 6pm, in MMT @ CMC.


  • YANG Cheng
  • Ningze ‘Nada’ HAN
  • YUE ‘Oksana’ Ran
  • Mirjana DOKIC
  • Gui ‘Gooey’ REN


  • PerMagnus ‘PM’ Lindborg, PhD, associate professor
  • Manni ‘$$$’ Chen, doctoral candidate


To explore computer tools for music information retrieval (MIR), sonic information retrieval (SIR), descriptive analysis, modelling, and plotting.


Participants will be able to identify principles of computer analysis of sound recordings, such as feature extraction, statistical descriptors, factor analysis, and regression modelling, as well as data visualisation.

The workshop has three main objectives:

  1. to familiarise participants with working in R, for general-purpose analysis and visualisation (data plotting);
  2. to get knowledge about MIR and SIR, using R;
  3. to get insights into sonic data analysis in practice, via examples from published studies.


Before workshop starts

  1. install R (“R studio”) on your own computer, and familiarise yourself with it; links below
  2. read Kabacoff ch. 1 carefully and follow each of the given demos; (PDF distributed to participants)
  3. look into Kabacoff ch. 2 to get an overview of R data handling and grammar; (PDF distributed to participants)
  4. look into Wickham ch. 1+2 for an overview of ggplot2;  (PDF distributed to participants)


  1. Using R – overview and examples (Kabacoff) (PM) – CityU online book
  2. Music Information Retrieval [MIR] in R (MC)
    • Example:: logistic regression (Chen, Lindborg 2022) (MC)
  3. Visualisation in R – base and ggplot2 (PM) – CityU library download
  4. Plotting and lm, play around with some test data


  1. Data elicitation and analysis – overview and QuestionPro examples (PM)
    • Example of QPro –> R (Lindborg, Liew 2022) (PM)
  2. exploratory analysis – fa, linreg, princomp, MST, correlations:
    • factor analysis, example from (Lindborg, Lenzi, Chen 2023) (PM)
  3. soundscape information retrieval
    • bioacoustics, example from (Lenzi, Lindborg, Sabada 2021) (PM)
  4. Exercises
    • library: base
    • library: bioacoustics


Workshop materials

Slides (PDF) and Examples :: Google folder (viewable)



  • Kabacoff, R. (2022). R in Action: Data Analysis and Graphics with R and Tidyverse: Simon and Schuster – CityU ebook
  • Wickham, H., Chang, W., & Wickham, M. H. (2016). Package ‘ggplot2’. Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics. Version, 2(1), 1-189 – CityU ebook
  • Springer Book Series :: Use R!



environmental acoustics, bioacoustics



  • base (summary, data.frame, etc…)
  • fa
  • princomp
  • lm


  • base (boxplot, hist…)
  • ggplot2


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Liew, K., & Lindborg, P. (2020). A Sonification of Cross-Cultural Differences in Happiness-Related Tweets. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 68(1/2), 25-33.
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Lindborg, P., & Kwan, N. A. (2015). Audio Quality Moderates Localization Accuracy: Two Distinct Perceptual Effects? Paper presented at the Audio Engineering Society Convention 138.
Lindborg, P., Lenzi, S., & Chen, M. (2022). Climate Data Sonification and Visualisation: An Analysis of Topics, Aesthetics, and Characteristics in 32 Recent Projects. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 8663.
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Wickham, H., Chang, W., & Wickham, M. H. (2016). Package ‘ggplot2’. Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics. Version, 2(1), 1-189.


Sound analysis in R ::

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