SleepSound @SoniHED
PerMagnus is presenting a paper at SoniHED 2025, 3rd International Conference on the Sonification of Health and Environmental Data. It’s a 1-day hybrid conference, where “experts in sonification, health and environmental science present and discuss novel sonic ways to engage with sustainability-related data. Rich and Healthy Life and Smart Society”, held 29 January 2025, at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (which happens to be PerMagnus’ alma mater:)
Link to the event (free upon registration) –
Lindborg PM, Lenzi S, Li SX, Li X (2025). “SleepSound: Charting the Nighttime Soundscape and Sleep Quality in Hong Kong through Machine Listening and AI-supported Information Design”. Proceedings of SoniHED Conference on the Sonification of Health and Environmental Data, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.