PhD in Creative Media, specialisation in sound
SoundLab welcomes applications to the PhD program that have a specialisation in sound art, digital music, or audio technologies, hosted at the School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong. Supervisors include Dr PerMagnus Lindborg and Dr Ryo Ikeshiro, with optional interdisciplinary co-supervisory support from another department at CityU.
Candidatures are accepted at any time and normally evaluated at the end of the year. Make sure to submit in November! Check the official website for details, especially regarding the Postgraduate Studentship and the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, also here.

How to apply
We encourage applicants who are self-driven in their pursuit of research in sound art, sound design, sound/music perception, or music technology. You already have skills and experience in one or more relevant fields, including audiovisual design, music composition, coding, installation art, data sonification, soundscape field work, auditory perception and cognition, or sociological sound studies. A researcher attitude is essential, and a keen interest to explore spatial sound, the core objective of SoundLab, is welcome. The School offers further resources for graduate researchers in creative media through facilities for sound/music studio recording, surround mixing, and welcomes students projects that integrate sound in multimedia, including AR/VR, film, games, performance, and multimedia installation.
For more information, see PhD in Creative Media. Positions are normally fully funded; check out the excellent opportunities, including the CityU Postgraduate studentship and the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme; see also here. You can also be self-funded.
Feel free to contact Dr PerMagnus Lindborg or Dr Ryo Ikeshiro for an informal enquiry. We’ll be pleased to receive your CV, a draft research proposal (~300 words), and links to any previous publications or artwork.
About SoundTeam
Current PhD students and SoundTeam members.
Current projects with grants.