Research visit to CUC, Beijing
Splendid week in Beijing, from 27 November to 3 December. PerMagnus Lindborg and Ryo Ikeshiro were invited by Zhang Qian of the Communication University of China. The visit was organised by her alumna and SoundLab current Ph.D. student Gui ‘Gooey’ Ren, gave talks, a workshop, and a concert.

Here’s some of the snapshots and materials:
PerMagnus Lindborg :: Sound Art in the Time of Crisis: Climate Data Sonification for Exploration, Understanding, and Aesthetic Renewal
Ryo Ikeshiro: Audiovisualising Data: Art and climate action
PerMagnus Lindborg :: Workshop on Data sonification 101 – Puredata and Max
GUI Ren:: Listening to Tong Hui River – Creative Sound Walk Workshop
PerMagnus Lindborg :: Stairway to Helheim, Graviton Dance
Ryo Ikeshiro: Hong Kong x Construction in ENSO